Revivim – Kibbutz & Desert Agriculture

Kibbutz Revivim the Negev Desert of southern Israel is a pioneering center for desert agriculture, established in 1943 as an agricultural research station. Revivim played a huge part in the massive success Israel has had in making the desert bloom and the story of its development is a fascinating tale entangled with the history of Israel as a nation, and with the wide success of creating agricultural industries in the Negev Desert. The story of Revivim is fascinating.


Revivim was established in 1943 by pioneers from the center of Israel, as an agricultural research station in the center of the harsh and relatively water barren Negev Desert.  Recording rainfall, and experimenting in various ways, they managed to find enough water to grow produce in the sand, and succeeded in transforming the research station into a kibbutz, a communal settlement, in 1948, following Israeli Independence (the members of the kibbutz played a huge role in securing the Negev during the War of Independence.)

In the 1970’s Revivim moved into new accommodation, very near to the original site where today, visitors can learn the story of this incredible community and its successful role in developing desert agriculture in the Negev. At Mitzpe Revivim (the name for this original site – which literally means Revivim Lookout) you can explore the tower which was constructed and provides incredible views out into the sandy desert, and the ring of green agriculture which surrounds the kibbutz. The museum also tells the incredible story of the kibbutz, and there is film screening in the cafe/visitor center just across the road.

Today, the kibbutz forms a significant part of the Ramat HaNegev Regional Council, and thrives on a large olive crop, as well as a dairy, and other, non-agricultural industries.

The kibbutz is located about half an hours drive south of the city of Beer Sheva. Parking is available

Visiting Kibbutz Revivim

Opening hours and admission

Sunday – Thursday: 08:00-16:00
Friday: 08:00-12:00

Adults: 20 NIS
Children:17 NIS
Senior: 17 NIS
Disabled: 17 NIS
Students: 17 NIS

Contact Kibbutz Revivim


Getting to Revivim

Coming from Beer Sheva (and the north) or Eilat (and the south), take Road 40 to Mash’abim Junction where you should turn onto Road 222. After 8.5km you will reach the kibbutz. Drive straight through the kibbutz and you will reach the museum.

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